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Thursday 14 June 2012


Dear Diary,

I was so sad today. Last night I really hope we're back to be just like before. I really miss his voice, his laugh, the way he call my name, the way he talk to me, the way he kiss me. But i know, he's so tired. I really want to be an understanding lover for him. That's why i keep silent.... I hang up the phone and let him rest. I'm sorry my love. I didn't mean to ignore you....I just want to give you more space. But i cannot lie, i really miss the first day we talk on the telephone. It's like, we own this whole night. So, we called it OUR TIME. Thanks to Digi coz give us a free time. But now, where is OUR TIME? I still happy coz we used this OUR TIME to make 'solat hajat'. Thank you Allah..... but I still miss it.

Dear Diary,

When I wake up in the morning, the first thing in my mind was him. But i was so scared to call him. I'm so worried if I disturb him so early. So I just SMS him. I hope, he knows that I think about him when i open my eyes. Then, I'm waiting for him to call. Hmmmmm.... maybe he's still sleeping. I know he didn't work today. Just let him rest for a while. So I just SMS him to let him know where am I, what I was doing and so on..... but I really miss his voice.....

Dear Diary,

I try to call him, just to listen for his voice for a while. When I call, he answer me with indifferent voice. Maybe that was just my feeling. But, I really sad to hear the way he answer my call. So I pick up the phone. I know he would call me back like he use to be before. But he never return my call. So, I guess he need time to rest. He didn't want me to disturb him. 

Dear Diary,

What can I do? Am I wrong? or am I right? It's been 6 month he know me but he never knew me as well. I just want him to love me, to show his love in any way not just phrase "I LOVE YOU", to care and to do what he done before. I really miss the way he take care of me...... the way he hold me like I really feel that he's here right beside me.....the way he kiss me like I really feel his lips on my lips..... I really miss him....... and I don't know how to express my feeling...coz I don't want to pressure him....I'm trying to understand him.... and I'm still trying......